
孔清泉 副教授













1. 主持:四川省科技厅应用基础研究面上项目(2019YJ0668)—高性能超细晶医用Ti-Nb-Zr系合金设计制备及其长寿命疲劳性能研究。

2. 主持:中国核动力研究设计院横向项目(ATF-ATF161-FW-HT-103)—碳化硅电火花烧结及多腔烧结技术研究。

3. 主持:博士后面上基金一等资助(2018M631082)—放电等离子烧结多孔TiNbZr合金及其长寿命疲劳性能研究。

4. 主持:四川省教育厅(18ZB0139)—生物医用多孔Ti-6Al-4V合金的制备及其性能研究。

5. 主持:四川省粉末冶金工程技术研究中心开放课题(SC-FMYJ2017-05)—基于放电等离子烧结制备多孔Ti-6Al-7Nb合金及其力学性能研究。

6.  主持:最权威菠菜导航网校基金重点项目(2080516030)—纳米多孔铜块材可控制备机理及其性能研究。

7. 主持:最权威菠菜导航网引进人才科研启动项目—微纳米结构金属材料制备及性能研究。

8. 主持:最权威菠菜导航网教学改革项目(cdjgb2017138)—以本科一批招生为契机优化工科人才培养模式——以材料成型及控制工程专业建设为例。

9. 主研:四川省科技厅科技支撑计划(2014GZ0137)—基于金属间化合物多孔材料及膜材料的分离过滤装置工艺技术应用开发。


[1] Qingquan Kong, Wei Feng, Shiqing Ma, Fengyun Sun, Xinxin Xie, Chenghua Sun. Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanoporous NiO Rods Self-Supported on Ni Foam as Efficient Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction.JOM, 2019: 71(2): 621-625.

[2] Qingquan Kong, Yichun Yin, Bing Xue, Yonggang Jin, Wei Feng, Zhi-Gang Chen, Shi Su,  Chenghua Sun. Catalytic combustion of methane over (001)-dominated CuO nanobelts. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 2018, 9: 2526–2532.

[3] Qingquan Kong, Wei Feng, Xinxin Xie, Shuhan Zhang, Xiaoping Yuan, Chenghua Sun. Morphology-controlled synthesis of Co3O4 materials and its electrochemical catalytic properties towards Oxygen evolution reaction. Catalysis Letters, 2018, 148(12): 3771–3778

[4] Qingquan Kong, Wei Feng, Chenghua Sun, Ying Liu, Lixian Lian. Controllable fabrication of bulk hierarchical nanoporous palladium by chemical dealloying at various temperature and its thermal coarsening. Journal of Porous Materials, 2018, 25(2): 555-563.

[5] Wei Feng,Qingquan Kong*, Xiaodong Zhu, Xinxin Xie, Huajiang Zhou, Youxu Qiu, Chenghua Sun. Characterization, thermal stability and compression properties of bulk hierarchical porous Pd prepared by kirkendall effect and dealloying method. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2018, 3532621. (Corresponding author)

[6] Qingquan Kong, Wei Feng, Xiaodong Zhu, Chenghua Sun, Juan Ma, Xiaolian Wang. Fabrication and characterization of bulk nanoporous Cu with hierarchical pore structure. Journal of Materials science, 2017, 52(20): 12445–12454.

[7] Qingquan Kong, Wei Feng, Liyong Gan, Chenghua Sun. SiS nanosheet as promising anode material for Li-ion battery: A computational study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(12): 8563-8567.

[8] Qingquan Kong, Wei Feng, Xiaodong Zhu, Jing Zhang, Chenghua Sun. Fabrication, Characterization and Electrochemical Properties of Porous Pd Bulks with High Porosity and Hierarchical Pore Structure. Chinese Journal of Catalysis,2017,38: 1038–1044.

[9] Qingquan Kong, Wei Feng, Xiaoxi Zhong, Ying Liu, Lixian Lian. Hydrogen absorption/desorption properties of porous hollow palladium spheres prepared by templating method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016, 664, 188-192.

[10] Wei Feng, Qingyuan Wang,QingquanKong*, Xiaodong Zhu, Jiejie Wu, Chenghua Sun. Influence of High-temperature Water Vapor on Titanium Film Surface.Oxidation of Metals, 2016.86(3)179-192. (Corresponding author)

[11] Qingquan Kong, Ying Liu, Lixian Lian, Jing Zhang, Li Wang. Fabrication, characterization and electrochemical properties of porous hollow palladium spheres. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, 632, 701-706.

[12] Qingquan Kong, Lixian Lian, Ying Liu, Jing Zhang, Li Wang, Wei Feng. Bulk hierarchical nanoporous palladium prepared by dealloying PdAl alloys and its electrochemical properties. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2015, 208, 152-159.

[13] Qingquan Kong, Lixian Lian, Ying Liu, Jing Zhang. Fabrication and compression properties of bulk hierarchical nanoporous copper with fine ligament. Materials Letters, 2014, 127, 59-62.

[14] Qingquan Kong, Lixian Lian, Ying Liu, Jing Zhang. Fabrication and characterization of nanocrystalline Al-Cu alloy by spark plasma sintering. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2014, 29, 1232-1236.

[15] Qingquan Kong, Ying Liu, Lixian Lian, et al. Characterisation and compressive properties of highly porous palladium materials fabricated by spark plasma sintering with silicon as spacer. Powder Metallurgy, 2013, 56(1), 61-66.

[16] Qingquan Kong, Lixian Lian, Ying Liu, Jing Zhang. Hierarchical porous copper materials: fabrication and characterization. Micro & Nano Letters, 2013, 8(8), 432-435.


1. 孔清泉、赖鑫等,一种运行稳定的高速离心机。实用新型专利,授权公告号CN207413620U

2. 孔清泉、谢鑫鑫等,一种用于实验室的实验电炉。实用新型专利,授权公告号CN208282624U

